In light of the recent protests taking place across the country, the Narragansett Police Department faced these events with a shortage of protective equipment for its officers. This department was called upon to supervise numerous protests, and unfortunately riots, across Rhode Island state.
After hearing about the shortage of protective equipment, R&D Technologies quickly sprung into action to try and reduce the department’s need for riot gear. Using their in-house manufacturing services, R&D Technologies was able to 3D print a full size riot shield using their largest machine, the Fortus 900mc. The final result was a light weight, robust riot shield capable of absorbing significant impact. The riot shield was printed in ASA Black; this material provides excellent mechanical properties along with stability in high heat conditions. The UV-stable property would ideally allow for an officer to effectively use the shield on hot summer days.
During these uncertain times, R&D Technologies has yet again offered a solution through 3D printing. The Narragansett Police Department was truly grateful for this tool that helped provide added protection for their officers. One of the officers has written a testimonial about R&D Technologies and their personal experience with the company.
The image below shows one of the Narragansett police officers showing off the finished product.