Vero Family (Rigid Opaque)
3D Print detailed models with vibrant color
Rigid Opaque photopolymers provide excellent detail visualization in gray, black, white and blue. You can 3D print accurate, attractive prototypes that test fit, form and function, even for moving and assembled parts. The blue shade is ideal for silicon molding. The latest addition to the Vero Family are the VeroUltra materials. The two added materials offer exceptionally high-quality, accurate colors for a wider range of applications.

Rigid Opaque Vero Family for Objet30 to Connex:
- Rigid Opaque VeroBlue
- Rigid Opaque white material (VeroWhitePlus RGD835)
- Rigid Opaque gray material (VeroGray RGD850)
- Rigid Opaque blue material (VeroBlue RGD840)
- Rigid Opaque black material (VeroBlackPlus RGD875)
Brilliant Color
Available on the Connex3,  Stratasys J7™ and J8™ Series the Vero family also includes:
- VeroCyan
- VeroMagenta
- VeroYellow
- VeroBlack
- VeroWhite